Saturday, 27 August 2016

Air Washer Systems – An efficient means of cooling

Air Washer Systems work on the principle of cooling outside air through water-saturated pads after which water gets evaporated in the air lowering down its temperature. The cool air gets replaced with warm air through the vents given in the system.

The cross-section of these water-saturated pads should be corrugated for the maximal mixing of water and air to prevent their easy segregation once they blend with each other. Vents should always be kept open for the exchange of these two types of air.

Air Washer Systems work in contrast with Central air-conditioning system that re-circulates the same air whereas the coolers in Air Washer systems maintain a fresh air in the required space.

Basically, the idea is to adjust the humidity levels of the air surrounding the equipment. However, it is very important to select the right equipment, as an underpowered device will not be able to handle the air flow and if the instrument is not designed to keep up with high levels of particulates then it might collapse due to overloading.

The Air Washer Systems are mostly used in low humid areas where dry air persists. It works to release humidity from the air as it reaches the dew point. Furthermore, the unwanted particles in the air will also move out in circulation. A fan can also be simply used for this purpose but an extra feature of filtration in these systems makes them more versatile and multitasking systems.

These devices can be timed and additional feature of performance specifications will help cut short the energy usage by these systems. For an efficient performance, the air washers should be compact and rigid. The blowers also need to be balanced dynamically on anti-vibration pad.

The enclosure of the air-washers can either be masonry or steel and other metals. The air washer systems are equipped with spray nozzles which are generally made up of steel pipes. The entire process of cooling air through air-washer systems is known as evaporative cooling.

This can be explained by taking a simple example of how our body regulates temperature. Just as, while perspiration, the sweat produced by our body takes the heat away from our body, similarly, when the dry air will pass over water, it will absorb moisture from that and become humid.

 When the water droplets get broken at the nozzles, it ionizes, due to which it attains a charge for attracting particles in the air. This will aid in filtering out the impurities from the air. This process also charges the air that can build up static electricity in the same that can cause processing problems in textiles which can be sorted out by an anti-stat treatment program.

For a smooth and uninterrupted functioning of air washer systems, these systems need to be maintained rigorously. A process of preventive maintenance is required to be followed along with the use of chemical treatment. This can excessively reduce the man-hours to clean-up the equipment as well as the down time to make it ready for further processing.